PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

How You Can Help Change Lives for Eternity - Powerpoint - October 24

How You Can Help Change Lives for Eternity

October 24

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

James 1:27

Several years ago, some members at our church came across a little boy who didn’t have a mother or father. He was in need of a home and really didn’t have anywhere to go. But there was a wonderful couple who attended our church who got it in their hearts to receive this little boy into their home.

So after praying about it, the couple took this little 6-year-old boy in. He had a rough upbringing. His parents were alcoholics, and he had been raised by a grandmother who then passed away. So they faced many challenges. But they loved him with the love of Christ and that little boy became their son.

As the people of God, we’re called to love those who are the downtrodden of our society. This includes the homeless, the family-less, and the penny-less. And while many times, these people can be overlooked as we go about our daily lives, it’s crucial the church be at the forefront of caring for them.

So whether it’s adoption, working at a homeless shelter, or simply taking time out of your day to love someone who really needs it, find a way to help those in the most need. Show them the love of Christ, and you may just change a life for eternity!


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Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries