PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - October 22, 2004


October 22, 2004


My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.

                                                                             --Psalm 62:5


We live in a technologically advanced age of immediate satisfaction. From microwave meals to online bill payments, and from quick cash ATM machines to speedy checkout lanes in the local grocery store, we have become accustomed to instant results. Have you ever stopped to think that this may be the reason why it is so difficult for us to wait on the Lord to help solve our problems?


There was a pastor who once told of a woman who came to him for counseling regarding some serious marital problems. After analyzing her situation carefully, he finally said to her, “There are two roads available to you. One is to take matters into your own hands and force the issue. That will bring about a speedier solution, but it will mean a broken home. The other road is that of God’s ordering, of waiting on Him and for Him. He may make you wait for some time before He works out your problem. Your patience may be severely tried, but in the end you will have a permanent and satisfactory solution.”


The woman went away, took the advice of the pastor, and began to trust in the Lord. As a result, she began to see God work out her difficulties and her faith was strengthened. What has been your decision in the past when you’ve come to the fork in the road in choosing the path to the speediest solution or the one leading to God’s ultimate plan? Too many of us want a quick fix for everything.


When facing life’s choices, whether they be difficult or not, it is too dangerous to choose the road that leads to the quickest solution. Waiting upon the Lord expresses dependence on Him and brings quietness to the soul. If you’re facing overwhelming problems or feel you are on the verge of a breakdown, remember that your heavenly Father “acts for the one who waits for Him” (Isaiah 64:4).





Taken from Lessons from the Heart

Copyright 2001 by Jack Graham