PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

How You Can Experience Life’s Greatest Joy - PowerPoint - October 22

How you can experience life’s greatest joy

October 22

Delight yourself in the LORD,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4

The great pastor, Dr. George W. Truett, used to always say, “The greatest knowledge is knowing the will of God, and the greatest achievement is doing the will of God.” What an amazing truth. There’s no higher calling in life than knowing and doing the will of God!

Now this is true in the big things—your career decisions and life choices. But it’s also just as true in the small details as we cede our own control to God each day and allow Him to take the reins of our lives.

This often gets lost on so many people, who believe the will of God is something we stick out because it’s our duty as Christians. But the truth is, finding and following God’s will is the only way to find real and lasting joy in life. It’s our duty and privilege to delight in Him!

In everything we do, we know we can do no better than what God wills because He always works everything out for the good of those who love Him. So if you want to glorify God, find your satisfaction fully in Him. Seek out His will and put it into practice. Not only will you bring honor to Him, you’ll experience the wonderful reward of placing yourself in the middle of God’s will!


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Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries