PowerPoint - Sept. 30, 2008
God wants to use you to accomplish His plan!
September 30, 2008
For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
--Philippians 2:13
Do you know that God wants to use you to accomplish His purposes on the earth? Yes, YOU!
“But, Pastor,” you say, “you don’t know my past. You don’t know what I struggle with. How can God ever use someone like me?”
I’m here to tell you today that God can and will use you. How do I know? Because His Word is chocked full of men and women who would have never thought God would use them! These are people like Noah. When God called him to build the ark, we might have heard him say, “Do what, God? Build an ark? That’s impossible!”
Or what about Nehemiah? When the call of God came upon his life, he might have said something like, “Wait a minute, God. I’m comfortable here in Persia. I’ve got a great job. Why would you want someone like me to give up everything to rebuild a wall?”
Or think about Paul. When Jesus called him, we might have heard him say, “Wait a minute, Lord, I’m your chosen instrument? Do you know my past? Have you seen what I’ve done?”
Yet God called each of these men to do great things for Him! And not only did He call them, but God equipped them to do what He had called them to do.
And you know what? God can do the same for you! As our Scripture verse for today says, “For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).
So let me ask you, are you willing to let God use you? If so, I urge you to echo the words of Isaiah, who said to God, “Here am I! Send me”!