PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

The Right Way to Approach the Throne of Heaven - Powerpoint - September 12

The Right Way to Approach the Throne of Heaven

September 12

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;
            fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 1:7

In recent years, I’ve noticed a lot of changes in different expressions of our faith. Our music style has changed; what we wear to church has changed; and many other things have changed as well. And while I agree that much of this change has been for the better, I’m afraid many churches have thrown some of the good out with the bad.

Here’s what I mean: I’m fine with different worship styles, but our message must be consistent. We have to continue to preach what the Bible teaches. And one of the areas that has been sacrificed on the altar of modernization is preaching about the fear of the Lord.

Leaving this important doctrine behind has caused many Christians, I believe, to become halfhearted in their approach to God. Now, I’m not saying they should be afraid, but rather have a wholesome, healthy respect for Almighty God… a God who is so holy that He must judge and punish sin.

Don’t lose that healthy fear. Approach God with awe and respect. He is your intimate friend, as well as the One who will one day put away sin forever!


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Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries