Quiet Walk

Quiet Walk - Feb. 23

February 23

Deuteronomy 26

The Lord teaches the Israelites the importance of giving.


We offer a portion of our income to the Lord in gratitude for what He has given us. If we know Him for who He really is, the Creator and Ruler of the universe, then we will rightly understand that everything in the world truly belongs to Him. In His goodness and compassion, He has provided us with the things that we need to survive. As we give to the church, "the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow," we are acknowledging his exuberant generosity and love.


· Offer this psalm to our worthy God:

"For every beast of the forest is Mine,
And the cattle on a thousand hills.
I know all the birds of the mountains,
And the wild beasts of the field are Mine. . .
Offer to God thanksgiving,
And pay your vows to the Most High.
Call upon Me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me"
(Psalms 50:10-11).

· Now pray this confession to the Lord to keep your life free from sin and in fellowship with Him:

Bow down your ear, O Lord, hear me;
For I am poor and needy. . . .
For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive,
And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You
(Psalms 86:1).

· Voice your affirmation of God's Word:

You are my portion, O Lord;
I have said that I would keep Your words. . . .
The earth, O Lord, is full of Your mercy;
Teach me Your statutes
(Psalms 119:57).

· As you make your requests known to the Lord, pray for:
· an attitude of gratefulness,
· the poor and needy,
· today's activities.

· Now offer this prayer of worship to the Lord:

O Lord, how manifold are Your works!
In wisdom You have made them all.
The earth is full of Your possessions-
This great and wide sea,
In which are innumerable teeming things,
Living things both small and great
(Psalms 104:24-25).

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