Daily Living for Seniors

Senior Living - April 14, 2017

Fulfilling your role in the Great Commission

April 14

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” - Matthew 9:37-38

The president of a large missions ministry sat across from one of his wealthiest board members and his wife one evening over dinner. He shared about all that God was doing in the ministry and about the lives that were being impacted across the globe.

Suddenly, the board member’s eyes welled up with tears as he confessed to the president, “I feel like we’ve missed our calling. I hear about the stories of lives being impacted by the gospel, and I can’t help but think I should be the one out there doing what you are doing.”

The president unflinchingly looked right at the board member and said, “My friend, the reason we’re able to do what we do is because you’re doing what you do. God has given you the ability to make money and give it away. And by doing that, you’ve replicated yourself hundreds, maybe even thousands of times, and sent yourself all over the globe!”

The truth is that the Great Commission has many components. And as believers, each of us is called in some way to be one of them. So whether you’re actively going and sharing Christ with others, giving financially for the growth of the Kingdom, or praying for missionaries, be involved in God’s global purpose and fulfill your role in the Great Commission.

Prayer Challenge

Pray and ask God to give you clarity on how He wants you to be involved in moving the Kingdom forward across the globe.

Questions for Thought

Why do you think sharing the gospel with others is a neglected area of worship for many Christians?

How do you feel God leading you to be involved in world evangelization?

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