Daily Living for Seniors

Senior Living - April 19

Experiencing the Reward of a Clear Conscience

April 19

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. - Ephesians 4:25

Several years ago, marathoner Abbes Tehami of Algeria was the clear winner of the Brussels Marathon. Amidst the congratulations and cheers, someone discovered his mustache, which was clearly visible at the starting line, was gone.

Checking with the race organizers, it became evident that the mustache at the beginning belonged to Tehami’s coach, who had run the first 7 miles of the race before disappearing into the woods to hand his number off to Tehami. Eyewitnesses confirmed this, and it’s expected that the two will never again be allowed to race in Belgium.

When it comes to trying to get ahead, doing underhanded things like lying, stealing, and cheating may seem like quick ways to come out on top. But as with any situation, the truth will eventually be made known. And when it is, the one who was doing so well through dishonest means will be exposed and have his or her reputation tarnished—perhaps beyond repair.

Don’t put yourself in that situation. Dishonesty happens when getting ahead becomes more important than representing Christ. Be honest in all your dealings and you’ll preserve your testimony for Jesus and experience the reward of having a clear conscience.

Prayer Challenge

Ask God to give you the wisdom to be honest in your dealings so that you can preserve your witness and live with a clear conscience.

Questions for Thought

Why do you think so many are quick to sacrifice their own integrity for the sake of getting ahead?

Think of a time when you were truthful and it cost you something. Was the reward of a preserved witness for Christ and a clear conscience worth what you lost?

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