Daily Living for Seniors

Serving God in the Big and Small - Senior Living - February 3

Serving God in the Big and Small

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. - 1 Peter 4:10

Woodrow Wilson was on his whistle-stop train tour of the U.S. when he was President of the United States. The train stopped in Billings, Montana. As was custom, he was standing at the rear of the last railroad car speaking to a crowd from the platform.

Two little boys elbowed their way through the crowd to get close to the President. One of them offered Mr. Wilson a small American flag, which he gladly accepted. The other didn’t have a flag, so he reached down in his pocket, took out a dime, and offered it to the President.

Wilson reached down, took the dime, and thanked the little fellow.

Five years later, Woodrow Wilson died. As his wife was going through his personal effects, she stumbled across that dime – wrapped in a piece of paper and tucked in the President’s wallet. He treasured that small gift so much that he kept it with him at all times.

That’s how God feels about you. He treasures even what you feel like is the most meager display of love – a simple word of thanks or act of service. That’s because the heart behind your gift of service is far more important than the gift itself.

Don’t ever believe you have nothing to give to God. He loves your faithful service – no matter how big or small!

Prayer Challenge:

Ask God how you can serve Him in both large and small ways today.

Questions for Thought:

Why do you think God invites us to serve and give even though He already has everything He needs?

What are some practical ways – large and small – that you can serve the Lord?

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