Daily Living for Seniors

Don’t Let the Pressure Win - Senior Living - February 26

Don’t Let the Pressure Win

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33

The famous 19th century missionary to China, Hudson Taylor, once shared some powerful words that apply well to the situation we’re facing in our world today…

“It doesn’t matter how great the pressure is. What really matters is where the pressure lies, whether it comes between me and God or whether it presses me nearer His heart.”

A few minutes watching the news is enough to tell you that this world is a pressure cooker – and it seems about to burst. But the question to ask yourself today is this: How are you responding to the pressure. Is it pushing you from God or nearer to His heart?

Nothing in all of history has ever caught God off guard. From the dawn of creation to the fall of Rome and everything since, God has been and will forever be king over all.

So while the whole world is losing their heads in a panic, you can keep yours – knowing that Christ has overcome. And in His name, you can be a lighthouse of hope for a dark and stormy world!

Prayer Challenge:

Pray that God will draw you nearer to His heart and fill you with confidence in these difficult days.

Questions for Thought:

With all the fear and anxiety in our culture today, how can you be a voice of strength and hope?

How could you shine the light of the Gospel in a dark world?

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