Daily Living for Seniors

Senior Living - January 28

It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. --Psalm 119:71

Farmers in southern Alabama were accustomed to planting one crop every year—cotton. They would simply plow as much ground as they could and plant their crop. Year after year, they made their living by growing cotton.

Then one year, the dreaded boll weevil devastated the whole region. The next year, the farmers mortgaged their homes and planted cotton again, hoping for a better harvest. But as the cotton began to grow, the insects returned and completely destroyed the crop—wiping out most of the farms that grew cotton.

The next year, the few farmers who survived decided to plant a different crop in hopes of regaining their livelihoods—peanuts. The new crop proved to be so hardy and the market so ravenous that it enabled the farmers to pay off all their debts from the two previous years of failed crops.

Every season thereafter, the farmers planted peanuts…and they prospered greatly. And eventually, the farmers spent some of their new wealth to erect a monument to the boll weevil in the town square! They figured if it hadn't been for the pesky insect, then they never would have planted the prosperous peanut crops.

As believers, we have the assurance of knowing that God can use the "boll weevils" in our lives for something good. In fact, Romans 8:28 says, "in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

No matter what trials may come knocking on your door unexpectedly, know God is in control and working behind the scenes for your ultimate good!

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Thank God for being in control of all the situations in your life—good and bad. And ask Him for the patience you need to wait for the light after the darkness of your trials.

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