How to Love Your Unsaved Relatives - Senior Living - December 5
How to Love Your Unsaved Relatives
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. --James 5:16
Annette Cole, a writer in residence at Western Baptist College, told of her daughter in a recent article. She bought a ring with a cross and rose on it over ten years ago to give to her daughter, who had denounced her faith and rushed in to sin.
The Bible asks, "What fellowship can light have with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14).
So, how do believing parents have healthy relationships with their unsaved family members? No parent can possibly blame themselves for the incredible hurt and pain a loved one must go through because of their sin.
Accepting the fact that your relationship will be shallow with someone you love who is lost is difficult. Our lives may be the only Bible they ever read. From our actions may come the only way people will ever see Jesus Christ. Finally, out of our mouths may come the only kind and loving words they will truly ever hear.
As Christians, we want to constantly quote Scripture or share godly wisdom with those who are lost, but they've probably heard it numerous times. The most you can do is to commit them to the Lord and pray daily for them. Do not let their sinful lifestyle invade your life and home, though. Instead, continue to love and pray for them, and offer a listening ear when needed.
A wrong word or action may seem like it can break a fragile relationship with one who does not want to associate with you and God's way of living. But, do not cease communication. Be the example of God's love and grace in their lives that will set the example.
PRAYER CHALLENGE: Pray that God's will be done in your relationship with the loved ones in your life who don't know Him. Ask Him each and every day to bring them back safely into His arms.
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