Time With God, with John North

Time with God - April 11, 2013

Proverbs 7:6-23

And I saw among the naive, and discerned among the youths a young man lacking sense, passing through the street near her corner; and he takes the way to her house.

…With her many persuasions she entices him; with her flattering lips she seduces him. Suddenly he follows her as an ox goes to the slaughter, or as one in fetters to the discipline of a fool, until an arrow pierces through his liver; as a bird hastens to the snare, so he does not know that it will cost him his life. (vv. 7-8, 21-23)

Don’t expose yourself to temptation!

The book of Proverbs has a way of taking life principles and making them very obvious. As we read this passage, we agree that this young man lacked sense. He has placed himself in the way of temptation, not realizing that “it will cost him his life”.

God is reminding you today that the cost of sin in your life is always far greater than you expect. So you should avoid it at all costs. Once you put yourself in the place of temptation, you have lost half the battle already. If certain TV shows are a source of temptation, you know what to (or not to) do. If certain places or people are the source, then do something about it!

How can you avoid temptation in your life today?

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