Time With God, with John North

Time with God - Aug. 29, 2011


Hebrews 4:12-13

For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.

Use God’s word to win victories within your own heart!

JC Ryle said “There is no holiness without warfare.” He was right, wasn’t he? Don’t you sense the battle taking place within your own heart—a battle between God’s way and the world’s way, a struggle between what you know is right and what you feel like doing?

As you struggle to choose what is right, God’s saying to us today that there’s no more significant weapon in that battle than the word of God. You must learn to make it your habit every day to fill your mind with God’s word as you start your day. All day long the world will be pumping its worldview into your heart and mind. At the same time your own fallen nature will be working to deceive your mind.

But God’s word pierces through all of that and lets you see things in the light of God’s perspective. Do you see God’s way of victory for you today?

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