Time With God, with John North

Time with God - August 15

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Proverbs 3:6

“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

In all your ways acknowledge him!

So often in our Christian walk, there is a big difference to how we walk with God when life is smooth and going well, compared to when we are facing trials and problems. We can find ourselves using God as a repairman. We ask him to come and fix our lives when things aren’t going well, but when everything is running smoothly, we don’t need him. We all know this, we hear it time and again, we can even see ourselves doing it. But we keep finding ourselves doing it!

Do you think that when things are going well, we need less “straight” paths? Does walking the path that God has planned for us become less important? Or easier? Think about the parable of the talents in Matt 25. When much is given much is expected. When your life seems to be doing smoothly, God expects you to be witnessing for him and leaning on him and glorifying him just as much as when you are going through trials and tribulations.

The verse doesn’t leave much ‘wriggle room’. There is not if’s, but’s or when’s. “In ALL your ways acknowledge him.” When life is going well, acknowledge him. You will be amazed at the witness that is to the people around you as you talk about how God has blessed you. When you are going through tough time, acknowledge him. There is no better time in your life to bring glory to God and to be a witness to him.

Take some time now to think about your life. Is it good? Is it bad? Write down some things that you can thank God for. No matter what you are going through, there will be some of those. Spend some time thanking him for those things and handing them back to him. Ask him to use you in your situations that you find yourself today. Give him the glory and watch God make your paths straight.

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