Time with God - March 5
Wednesday 5th March, 2025
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”
Never be ashamed of the message of the gospel!
The gospel message is a simple message: Jesus Christ died for us, in our place, for our sins, and he rose from the dead and is alive today for us to know him. It is a simple message, but that does not make it weak.
The message of the gospel is powerful because God has anointed that simple message with his power to change lives. When a person trusts in what God has done for them through Jesus Christ, God enters into their lives and they are never the same. This has happened time and time again, millions of times around the world.
Never be ashamed of the gospel. Don’t worry that a person may not accept it or that they are intellectual and may have difficult questions. You may not have all the answers, but the gospel message will stand up to any scrutiny, because it is God’s truth.
Share it boldly with people. Talk about how God has used it in your own life. When you take the step of faith in God and share Christ with people, God will begin to use you to impact many people around you with his life-changing power.
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