Time With God, with John North

Time with God - November 13

Wednesday 13th November

John 6:35

“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.’”

No matter how fulfilled some people may seem on the surface, if they’re not right with God you can be sure that their lives are not complete!

God has built into us a hunger for him. He made us for relationship with him, and so he built into us a sense of incompleteness without him. When you step into meaningful conversations with people who don’t know Jesus, speak with the confidence of someone who knows that God has sent you into that person’s life to meet a deep inner need for God.

They may be trying to meet that need through relationships, through activities, through success in their business, through drugs, through achievements, through entertainment, or through religion.

Their devotion to those things may make it seem like they have it all together. But you know with certainty that there is something still missing. There is an inner restlessness that can only be stilled with the love of God.

So speak with confidence. No matter what image or persona they try to express, the reality is that they need God and nothing else will bring wholeness and rest to their souls. And conversely, however broken their lives are, if they come to Jesus their hunger can be satisfied.

Write down the name of someone God is putting on your heart today: ________________________. Ask Him to help you speak with confidence to them this week about how knowing Jesus personally has brought wholeness and rest to your soul.

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