<< Today's Devotionals

Living Free - Dec. 18, 2007

Living Free Every Day®


Today's Scripture
The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. 1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT

Thoughts for Today
People who become entrapped by life-controlling issues tend to follow a predictable pattern. At the beginning we are usually lured into experimenting with a dangerous substance, behavior or relationship because it is accompanied by a “high.” It makes us feel good. The experience may involve alcohol or other drugs, illicit sex, pornography, work, sports, gambling, excessive spending, or any other avenue to addiction, but the pattern and end result are similar.

We call this pattern “The Trap” because it often snags its victims before they realize what is happening. Every person has the potential to experience a life-controlling problem. Addiction is death on the installment plan. No one ever plans to fall into The Trap, yet it happens all the time.

The best time to deal with a life-controlling problem is before it begins.

Consider this…
Are you falling into the trap of a behavior, substance or relationship that is gaining more and more control in your life? Now is the time to recognize it. Now is the time to admit it. Now is the time to get help.

Remember, God loves you unconditionally. Ask Him to show you the way out. Seek and you will find His love, His forgiveness and His help.

Lord, your Word tells me that you will provide a way out from every temptation. Until now, I haven’t really wanted that way out, but now I’m ready. Please forgive me and help me. In Jesus’ name …

These thoughts were drawn from…
Living Free DVD Training.  Prepare your congregation to minister to hurting people within your church and your community. Through Living Free, your church or ministry can unleash a fresh wave of small group leaders and develop a small group ministry that will result in transformed lives. A Coordinator's Guide and Participant's Guide have been designed so that you will receive maximum benefit from the Living Free video-based training. 



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