Today's Devotionals

Power Point - January 23, 2006

January 23, 2006


Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. --1 Peter 3:7


There’s a fake theory floating around that God sent an angel to talk to Adam in the beginning saying, “We noticed you are lonely, so God is going to create a brand-new creature just for you called ‘woman.’ When you wake up every morning, she’ll serve you breakfast in bed. She’ll iron your clothes, lay them out each day, and help you get dressed. When you leave to go to work, she’ll give you a hug and kiss and wait patiently for you to come home.


“The moment you step in the door from work, she’ll be waiting for you with your slippers in hand, house spotless, laundry done, and dinner prepared exactly the way you like it. Then after dinner, you’ll sit in your favorite recliner and she’ll massage your feet and neck. She’ll be at your beckon call at all times!”


The angel replied, “Adam, I’m not going to lie to you. If you want this, it’s expensive. It’s going to cost you an arm and a leg.”


Adam thought for a moment and finally said, “Well, it sounds great and I definitely want her, but that’s a lot to pay for her. What can I get for one rib?”


Man received from God a great treasure in the gift of a woman. Scripture says that husbands are to give their wives honor and understanding. Marriage is not a duet — it is a trinity: God, man, and woman. Unfortunately, many wives are lonely and feel alienated from their husbands. But man is not to marry a woman, put her on the mantle like a trophy, and run off again to conquer new lands and climb new mountains. Husbands are to cherish their wives by providing consistent intimacy, transparency, and communication.


Men, do you see your wives as a valuable treasure? Do you honor her in the presence of your children and church? God has made the lady in your life to be a helpmate to you. You both are to be one with each other. Husbands, if you have a special godly wife in your life, thank Him that she was designed specifically to complement you and give her the understanding, honor, consideration, time, and communication she deserves.