Power Point - March 14, 2007
March 14, 2007
And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
--Genesis 1:28
I believe the human mind is one of the most incredible parts of God’s handiwork in creation. The animals have a certain level of mental capacity, but none can compare to human beings. The difference is clearly stated in the first chapter of Genesis.
God gave humans dominion and power over all the animals of the earth. There are some animals we call smart, but they can only be trained, they don’t necessarily learn. Being taught an idea or a concept is unique to human beings because God gave us a unique mind that gives us self-consciousness and God-consciousness.
God gave us the ability to think and be creative. We can play beautiful music, write a great story, paint a picture, and build a magnificent skyscraper. God does give animals many internal instincts, such as a beaver’s ability to build a dam, and a bird’s ability to build a nest. But animals don’t have the desire for growth and learning.
What’s even more amazing to me about the human mind is that we are told we only use about 10% of our brain capacity. Think of the potential God has given us to think and act and respond to Him. What a challenge to us to maximize the mind God has given us.
Your hopes, joys, and desires are all things God has given you the ability to develop and pursue. Do you have a dream or a goal that you believe is from the Lord, and will glorify Him? Go for it with all that you have!