Power Point - May 16, 2006
May 16, 2006
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
We all need to remember that worship is a verb.
It’s not sitting and watching, it’s something you do. It is participation. It is not mere emotion. It is not a feeling, not a thought process, but rather the active response of your heart, your life, and even your body to God!
If you go to a worship service and watch everyone else worship, you haven’t worshipped — you have become a religious consumer rather than a spiritual communer. You’ve become a spectator rather than a true worshipper.
Perhaps you grew up in a church where you sang hymns and participated at some level. But, maybe, just maybe, you have never had a genuine experience of encountering the presence of God in true worship.
If not, I challenge you to take time even today to tell God you desire to be a genuine worshipper. He will honor your prayer because He has made you to worship Him! You were created that you might know Him and make Him known.
As a believer in Jesus Christ, worshiping Him intimately and intensely should be the driving force in your life. That’s why I want to call you to become a true worshipper of the Lord Jesus Christ today, whether in or out of church!