Power Point - May 31, 2006
May 31, 2006
But from there you will seek the LORD your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.
There are two kinds of seekers of truth in our culture today: Those who don’t know and want to find the truth… and those who don’t know and really don’t want to find the truth.
Which kind of seeker are you? Do you really want to know the truth?
If you have a genuine desire to find God… to follow Him… and really know who He is… God will show Himself to you! If you respond to even the tiniest pin-prick of light you have, God will reveal more light when you genuinely want to know the truth.
I truly believe, according to the Scripture, that if a person really wants to know God, genuinely wants to know Jesus, God will move heaven and earth if necessary to bring that person to the knowledge of the truth.
If you will sincerely and honestly look for the light, God says you will discover it. It’s that simple.
So today, if you’re looking for a light in the midst of your darkness, what is your response to the light of Jesus Christ? Because I can assure you, that once you’ve found Jesus, your search for truth is complete.