PowerPoint - Feb. 21, 2008
February 21, 2008
As he drew near to Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. And hearing a crowd going by, he inquired what this meant. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” And he cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” And those who were in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” And Jesus stopped and commanded him to be brought to him. And when he came near, he asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, let me recover my sight.” And Jesus said to him, “Recover your sight; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he recovered his sight and followed him, glorifying God. And all the people, when they saw it, gave praise to God.
--Luke 18:35-43
The Bible is full of stories like this of people whose lives were radically transformed by Jesus Christ. Their amazing testimonies proved to everyone around them that Jesus was at work, and many people came to know the Lord as a result!
You know what, though? Not everyone has experienced something as dramatic as a healing or miraculous deliverance. And if you don’t have a past that reads like a fiction novel, it doesn’t mean that your story is any less powerful than those who do!
You see, when you ask God to come into your life, He begins to work, and He continues to work.
Each and every day He is changing you, restoring you, and making you more into the image of Jesus. He is transforming your life… just as powerfully as He transformed the blind man’s life. It’s just that you can’t always see it!
With all of the distractions of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the ways that God is answering your prayers, speaking to you through His Word, arranging your circumstances, or encouraging you through other people.
Yet all the while, God is trying to show you how very present He is in your life, and He is giving you your own testimony of His power to share with those around you! Yes, the Lord Jesus is powerful, and He is powerfully at work in you!
So I encourage you to look for the daily evidence of God at work in your life, and tell other people about it!
Don’t wait for spectacular demonstrations of God’s power to share with others. Share the daily demonstrations of His power—because they’re happening all the time!