Today's Devotionals

PowerPoint - Jan. 15, 2008


January 15, 2008


And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.”


--Matthew 8:23-25


Maybe today you feel like the disciples did when they saw Jesus sleeping in the midst of the storm.


Perhaps you’re thinking, “God, don’t you care about me? Can’t you see that I’m hurting here?” This is a natural, human reaction when it seems that God is distant or unconcerned in the midst of our pain and struggle.


But the fact is… if you’re a child of God… He is there in the boat with you. And He will eventually still the storm in your life.


But until that storm is stilled, remember that trusting God produces questions you won’t be able to answer. I think that’s worth repeating: Trusting God produces questions you won’t be able to answer.


I mean, disbelief is pretty easy. Anyone can not believe! Don’t get the idea that someone who chooses not to believe is academically or intellectually superior.


Because choosing to trust in God and believe in His promises in spite of your questions… in spite of your problems… that’s the real challenge! To suffer and hurt and not know why… but to keep believing and hoping… that’s difficult.


So… no matter what you may be going through today… remember this: Jesus is present in the midst of your storms even though He may seem absent. And remember that in God’s own time and in His own way… if you will wait on Him and trust in Him… He will calm your storm!


The One who has power over demons, the One who has power over disease, and the One who has power over death also has power over despair and the disturbances in your life. Jesus is your peace in the middle of the storm. So cling to Him today!


Trusting God produces questions you won’t be able to answer.