PowerPoint - Jan. 9, 2008
January 9, 2008
And when he returned to
There are several things you and I need to do to become more effective in our witness to our friends and relatives.
First, it’s important for you to love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. When you have a real, daily relationship with Jesus, it will flow out of your life and touch the people around you in a very natural—and powerful—way.
But what is equally important is to be intentional about sharing the Good News with others. We ought to be praying for opportunities… and looking for opportunities… to share our faith with those around us.
It doesn’t always have to be as dramatic as busting someone through a roof like the four men did in today’s verses! But we need to start making evangelism a part of our lifestyle… not just something we do on rare occasions.
God has done an incredible miracle in our lives by forgiving our sins. Sometimes we can forget how significant that is… how liberating it feels to be cleansed of our sin and to have the confidence knowing that God loves us and accepts us.
But not everybody feels that way. We need to help people around us… our friends, relatives, and our neighbors… to understand that that incredible miracle—the forgiveness of sins—is available for them too.
You don’t have to be a theologian to share your faith. Just be who you are and share what you know about Jesus. When you start talking about your own experience… the joy of being forgiven… the peace you feel as you worship… the answers you receive when you pray… the guidance you find in God’s Word… your testimony will have an impact. And you will be amazed at how God will use you to draw people closer to Him!
So let me encourage you today, pray for opportunities to share your faith, and to do all you can to bring those around you to Jesus. He wants to minister to the needs of every person… and He wants to work through you to do it!
When you have a real, daily relationship with Jesus, it will flow out of your life and touch the people around you in a very natural—and powerful—way.