Today's Insight with Chuck Swindoll

Never the Same - Today's Insight - July 21, 2023

Today's Insight from Chuck Swindoll

Then Nathan said to David, “You are that man! The LORD, the God of Israel, says: I anointed you king of Israel and saved you from the power of Saul. I gave you your master’s house and his wives and the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. And if that had not been enough, I would have given you much, much more. Why, then, have you despised the word of the LORD and done this horrible deed? For you have murdered Uriah the Hittite with the sword of the Ammonites and stolen his wife. From this time on, your family will live by the sword because you have despised me by taking Uriah’s wife to be your own.

“This is what the LORD says: Because of what you have done, I will cause your own household to rebel against you. I will give your wives to another man before your very eyes, and he will go to bed with them in public view. You did it secretly, but I will make this happen to you openly in the sight of all Israel.” (2 Sam. 12:7-14).

David was "a man after God's own heart." Yet, once he crawled into bed with Uriah's wife on that moonlit spring night, never again did he know all the former joys of close family ties, public trust, or military invincibility.

This wasn't his family's fault or the public's fault or the Philistines' fault or the prophet Nathan's fault. It was David's fault, full-on.

Taken from Day by Day with Charles Swindoll by Charles R. Swindoll. Copyright © 2000 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. Used by permission of Thomas Nelson.

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