Today's Insight with Chuck Swindoll

Heavenly Hindsight - Today's Insight - March 1, 2023

Today's Insight from Chuck Swindoll

Providence. We toss the word around. But have you ever analyzed it?

It comes from the Latin, providentia. Pro means "before" or "ahead of time"; videntia is from videre, meaning "to see." . . . Put them together and you have "seeing ahead of time," which is what Almighty God does. He sees the events of life ahead of time—something that we of course can never do.

We're great at history. Our hindsight is almost always 20/20. But we're lousy at prophecy, that is, the specifics of the future.

Stop and think. We've no clue as to what will happen one minute from now, no idea what's going to happen next. But our invisible God, in His providentia, is continually, constantly, and confidently at work.

He never changes. He knows what He is about, and He pursues it with relentless determination.

Taken from Wisdom for the Way by Charles Swindoll. Copyright © 2021 by Charles R. Swindoll. Used by permission of HarperCollins Christian Publishing.
Wisdom for the Way, Large Text Leathersoft: 365 Days of Wise Words for – FaithGateway Store

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