Two Minute Drills from Coach Joe Gibbs

Two Minute Drill - Week of June 10

Reversing the Trend

Whether from being left untended or from constant use, things will always be inclined to grow old and deplete. Knees will start to ache and catch. Tires will wear thin. Gaskets will leak. Organization will trend toward chaos. The deodorant stick will shrink smaller and smaller. Clothes will wrinkle. Dust will accumulate. It’s the nature of life. Downhill. Showing age.

It’s even the nature of marriage. What starts with candlelight, tuxedo, and a minister’s blessing slowly gives way to the late local news, complaints about your snoring, and fixing yourself the last piece of toast for breakfast. Where’s a little romance when you need it? Probably not under warranty.

So whether you like it or not, today will be another battle against bone loss, systems malfunction, and tooth decay. And to keep the same sorts of erosion from happening in your home, the Bible offers the following prescription: “encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” (Hebrews 3:13) . . . or by life’s constant drain and desire to drag you down, if not drag you apart.

Marriage may never outgrow a few toilet seat disagreements. But yours can withstand and even counteract the effects of time and age. A little encouragement from you today can go a long way.

Pray this prayer: God, help me not to stand by while my marriage loses any more of its luster. Give me the kind of heart that keeps loving, keeps investing. Show me the best way to bless my wife today.

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