Two Minute Drills from Coach Joe Gibbs

Two Minute Drill - Week of December 23

Sin Exchange

The battle against sexual lust is sort of in a class by itself for most men. Other allures and temptations may buzz around us, but few if any can stir up this kind of struggle, shame, and enslavement. It can make us want things that seem irresistible. Yet in turning away, we find things that are irreplaceable.

Pure living, for example, means exchanging deception for truth, darkness for light—the freedom to uncomplicate our lives with the worry of being found out, to avoid the awkward moment when we think someone has noticed our up-and-down glance.

We exchange a heart that judges by appearances for one that values the worth of every individual. We get to know people without filtering our acceptance of them through the grid of their good looks, enjoying the honesty of being kind to everyone we meet.

We exchange self-gratification for the pursuit of service, transforming our inner thirst for adventure into profitable use. Rather than thinking of ways to feed our misplaced desire, we become equally as passionate about thinking of ways to bless our wives and family.

"Each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God" (1 Thessalonians 4:4-5) ... who do not know that something much better exists for those walk in purity.

Pray this prayer: Father, I'm sick and tired of being consumed by thoughts of other women. I pray for a pure heart, a healed heart, a will that totally releases this impossible struggle into your strong hands.

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