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God Sees All - Wholly Loved - October 13

God Sees All

By Shellie Arnold

“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” Hebrews 4:13

When my middle son was two years old, he had the cutest way of playing hide-n-seek. After bath time, he’d run from the bathroom (naked, of course—adorable), climb on the dining room table, and cover his eyes. “See you,” he’d say, believing with his eyes covered, no one could see him. I laugh about it to this day. My son was too little to realize we could see him even if he thought we couldn’t.

His little game reminds me of todays verse, which says, “Everything is uncovered and laid bare before” God.

We can’t hide anything from our heavenly Father. Our motives and failures are as naked before Him as my little boy who hid from putting on his pajamas. One day, we’ll all give account for our behavior.

If this verse provokes you to sorrow over how you’ve lived, thank God for His conviction, confess your failings to Him, and begin anew.

But I think this verse offers more than a warning of potential judgment or getting caught in negative behavior. It means God sees my fears and knows the roots of them. He sees the longings I can’t speak aloud. He sees the hurts that are too devastating to express. He sees my stupidity, blind spots, and the lies I believe about Him and myself.

He sees the things I can’t admit to myself.

Are you burdened today by something you’ve tried to hide from God? Something you’re too ashamed of or afraid to admit? Those hidden burdens hinder your relationship with God. Reach out to Him and talk to Him about them. He already knows, because He already sees. In Him, you’ll find love and forgiveness, healing and help.

Shellie Arnold tells others she’s living proof God can redeem, heal, and restore anything. A home school mom of over twenty years, she knows the unique challenges stay-at-home moms face. As a sexual abuse survivor, she understands the long-term effects trauma can have, even for believers. She truly believes if a couple listens to God, any marriage can thrive. She longs to share every truth God teaches her. Her novels The Spindle Chair, Sticks and Stones, and Abide With Me, depict the “perfect storms” in marriage—what happens when our weaknesses hit head-on, and we’re both left wondering if anything can be salvaged. Visit her at

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