Wholly Loved

I Am an Heir in Christ - Wholly Loved - February 27

I Am an Heir in Christ

By Julie Holmquist

“...and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.” 1 Peter 1:4

Though my son with special needs is a teenager, I still have to help him with daily activities like showering and toileting. I get weary and discouraged. That’s hard. I wonder when, if ever, he’ll be able to do these things on his own so I can enjoy more freedom.

That’s why I need something different and fun to look forward to. Metaphorically speaking, I appreciate spring more after a brutally cold and long winter.

1 Peter tells us, as followers of Christ, we have more to look forward to than our experiences on earth. We have a heavenly inheritance that will never perish, spoil or fade. God promises to wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more sickness, mourning, pain, or death.

I have something beautiful waiting for me on the other side of this life. This glorious promise keeps me present to my present purpose in times of uncertainty and gives me an eternal picture.

Christ’s death ensured our inheritance as believers. No matter what you’re going through, if you belong to Him, there’s beauty, joy, love, and life awaiting. It’s more glorious than anything we could imagine. So, hold on, dear friend. 

Julie Holmquist is a contributing writer to Wholly Loved Ministries’devotionals and is a contributing author for Devotableapp.com. She’s written and produced video devotionals as well. She graduated from Christ for the Nations Bible school in Dallas, TX and holds an associates degree in practical theology. She enjoys all things personality and has probably taken every personality test there is. You can find Julie online at Stuff of Heaven, follow her on Instagram at Stuff of Heaven and at Twitter at Stuff of Heaven,and connect with her on Facebook at Stuff of Heaven (Julie Holmquist).

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