Wholly Loved

I’m Reconciled - Wholly Loved - December 3

I’m Reconciled

By Meredith Kendall

“All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.”  2 Corinthians 5:18

In 1997, my husband and I were calling it quits. Our marriage was done. Child support was being paid, he had moved out, the other woman had won. Praying for one last chance at reconciliation, I asked him to come home to spend Christmas morning with our girls.

On that cold December day, my husband laid prostrate on the floor crying out to God to forgive him and help him make his life right. At the stroke of Midnight January 1, 1998, my husband kissed me and put my wedding rings back on my finger.

Reconciliation by definition is the end of the estrangement (separation). I’m thankful that God wants to be reconciled to us, and paved the way by sending His Son to die in our place. Paul, the ancient church planter who wrote today’s verse, encouraged Corinthian believers to participate in God’s ministry of reconciliation.

This verse applies to us as well, but this doesn’t mean we can save anyone or bring them into a right relationship with Christ. It does means we need to share God’s good news with others so they too will know what it means to be reconciled to God and want that for themselves.

I’m grateful God grabbed my husband’s heart and saved our marriage. In this, He reminded me of His heart toward reconciliation and His invitation that we all share in. Today because we allowed God to work on our marriage, we have been able to share hope and healing to couples who are finding themselves on the brink of divorce.

We are able to show the love the Father has for us, not only through our marriage, but also through my husband’s story of being personally reconciled that day. Have you been reconciled to God? If so, what part of your story will you allow God to use to help others see the lengths God goes to show that He wants us.

Meredith Kendall, a contributor to Wholly Loved Ministries’ devotions, is a change agent, driven by her God-given passion to equip struggling families to achieve their unique God-given potential. As a nationally recognized sales leader, Meredith Kendall learned how to build bridges and make connections with the heart of what people need. God called her to co-found Advancing the Gospel which serves those who are often forgotten. Today she uses her gifting’s to help people understand the root causes of their struggles and find freedom through Christ. Visit her online at www.meredithsagekendall.com.

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