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Jesus Never Changes - Wholly Loved - July 4

Jesus Never Changes
By Shellie Arnold

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

It wasn’t the first time I’d been deeply wounded by friends, but I was completely unprepared for the judgment, snide remarks, and betrayal I experienced from those I thought cared about my family and me. The effects on my husband and daughter were the most difficult to face. How could someone, especially someone who claimed to be a Christian, hurt my little girl that way?

As I prayed, in hindsight I saw nuances I’d missed. Conversations I’d thought were seasoned with grace, had really been about gathering informationin preparation for attack. My “friends” turned from allies to accusers. They weren’t who I thought they were.

Sadly, humans aren’t always dependable. I admit, my faith can oscillate, especially in areas I’ve been hurt or previously failed. When I look at others and myself, I have difficulty embracing the constancy of God. But today’s verse promises exactly that. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Can you sense the rest and security we’re encouraged to find? It’s as if we’re being told, “Take a breath. Jesus doesn’t change.”

Jesus isn’t available one day, then absent the next. He doesn’t love you one day, then is indifferent toward you the next. His love is timeless, complete, and larger than any we’ve known. He is our Advocate, Deliverer, Redeemer, and Intercessor. He’s always reaching for us, always pursuing us. And because He is always all of these, and more, we can know Him as our Prince of Peace.

The Jesus who died for you is the same who’ll walk beside you every moment of every day. Won’t you join me in taking a deep breath and resting in that truth today?

Shellie Arnoldis a multi-published author and sexual abuse survivor who believes any marriage can be healed. She’s a contributor to Wholly Loved Ministries2019 devotional project. Visit her online at

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