Wholly Loved

Made for More - Wholly Loved - July 19

Made for More
By Andrea Chatelain

“The Lord works out everything to its proper end—even the wicked for a day of disaster.” Proverbs 16:4

I worry I’ll miss my calling. Or perhaps more likely, I’ll mess it up. I want so badly to live up to my potential and use the talents God’s given me, but what if I go the wrong way? Make the wrong choice? Or fail miserably? Those defeating thoughts are missing one key element—the Lord’s hand.

Sometimes I forget that Jesus is working on my behalf too. I’m not laboring alone, nor are you. Our verse today reminds us of just that. God is active in our trajectory leading us in the right direction to be used for works of love and faith.  Therefore, past mistakes and our present uncertainty can’t screw up God’s plan for our lives. As long as we are abiding in Him, we can rest knowing our future is secure.

How awesome that we’re included in the “everything” that God is working out. It’s important to remind ourselves that when we place our faith in Jesus, our stories already have their proper endings. We are saved, freed, forgiven and empowered in Christ because He already accomplished the most important work on the cross.  

No, I don’t know where I’ll be in ten years or if my dreams will come true. But I know my God will lead me to exactly where I need to be and the only future I want is one that ends with seeing Jesus’ face.

Andrea Chatelain’s mission is to meet women in their struggles and love them forward with God’s truth. She's part of the Wholly Loved Ministries team, is a Midwest mom of three, faith and family writer, and college English instructor to immigrants and refugees. It’s her joy to lead Bible studies in her neighborhood, church, and community because she believes Jesus transforms lives when His people boldly seek Him. Her writing reflects her love for Jesus and heart for fellow believers. Connect with Andrea more online at www.afruitfulwoman.com.

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Visit WhollyLoved.com for more inspirational messages or to book them for your next women's event

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