Wholly Loved

Our Perfect Role Model - Wholly Loved - December 10

Our Perfect Role Model 

By Meredith Kendall

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.” Ephesians 1:17

When I teach parenting, I’m often asked, “What would you change about your children's childhood?” I calmly reply, “Me.” I wish I could say with confidence that I asked God for wisdom and guidance. I was shunned by the church because I became pregnant out of wedlock. Others used the Bible to show me all my failures.

Because of the shaming, I thought God was this big person, sitting on the throne, waiting to punish me when I messed up. Because I did that frequently, I didn’t know I could ask to “know Him better.” I cannot reflect the One I don’t know.

Talking with young moms today, I explain that God created them to be their child's role model. I also tell them that if they don’t like their child's behavior, to evaluate themselves and consider whom or what they are allowing to influence them. This question applies to all of us, not just mothers. How diligently do we seek to truly know, and follow, Christ?

Meredith Kendall, a contributor to Wholly Loved Ministries’ devotions, is a change agent, driven by her God-given passion to equip struggling families to achieve their unique God-given potential. As a nationally recognized sales leader, Meredith Kendall learned how to build bridges and make connections with the heart of what people need. God called her to co-found Advancing the Gospel which serves those who are often forgotten. Today she uses her gifting’s to help people understand the root causes of their struggles and find freedom through Christ. Visit her online at www.meredithsagekendall.com.

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