Peace in Uncertainty - Wholly Loved - October 4
Peace in Uncertainty
By Jennifer Slattery
“Your path led through the sea, Your way through the mighty waters, though Your footprints were not seen.” Psalm 77:19
One phrase, spoken by my husband, capsized my world: “I’m quitting my job.” Then he added, “And we’re moving.”
This made no sense coming from the hard-working, persevering man I knew. My life felt uncertain and beyond my control.
In the weeks following, God and I engaged in serious conversations, most of which involved me begging Him to intervene.
Within a few months, my family began preparing to list our house. My husband started talking with headhunters, so I had some hope. But we were still selling our home with nowhere to go.
And Steve was still determined to quit his job.
I wanted answers—assurance everything would work out. But whenever I prayed, all I heard, whispered clearly yet softly to my heart, was, “Submit.”
Um, did I hear You God? How will we pay our bills? Buy groceries? At least tell me where we’ll be going.
God’s Spirit must’ve overridden my natural tendency to fight for control, because I did. Two months later, we packed up our minivan and headed to Louisiana, where we hoped employment was waiting.
Steve got the call that afternoon. The job was his. Our house sold the next day, for full asking price. Plus, because I’d surrendered to God, even when I longed to fight for control, my husband and I grew closer.
God had a plan all along—a solution we couldn’t see. He wanted me to trust Him.
The Ancient Israelites faced a similar challenge as they were fleeing Egypt, their oppressors. God liberated them by His mighty hand, revealed through a series of plagues, but they soon found themselves trapped between soldiers and the sea. They thought they were doomed. But “[God’s] path led through the sea, [His] way through the mighty waters, though [His] footprints were not seen” (Ps. 77:19).
God’s method of providing may change, but His character as Provider never will. He’s calling each of us to trust in Him, not our job, our spouse, our savings account, or friends.
What are you facing right now? How might focusing on God’s promises and never-failing love bring you peace as you weather life’s uncertainties?
Jennifer Slattery is a writer, editor, speaker, and the founder of Wholly Loved Ministries. She writes for Crosswalk, is a multipublished author of Hometown Healing among other titles who also writes articles, Bible studies, and devotions. When not writing, reading, or editing, Jennifer loves going on mall outings with her adult daughter and coffee dates with her hilariously fun husband. Visit her online at or book her for your next women’s event.
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