Wholly Loved

Praise Is a Choice - Wholly Loved - May 17

Praise Is a Choice
By Tara Johnson

"Rejoice always." 1 Thessalonians 5:16

A little old lady woke up one morning to realize she only had three hairs left on her head. She looked in the mirror and smiled. “Lord, I thank You because I can braid my hair today.”

The next day only two hairs remained. She looked in the mirror and smiled. “Lord, I thank You because today I can part my hair."

The third morning she looked in the mirror to see only one hair remaining. She smiled. “Lord, I thank You because I can put my hair in a ponytail today.”

The fourth morning, she discovered all her hair gone. “Lord, I thank You that I don’t have to fix my hair anymore!”

Praise is a choice. It’s all about perspective. When we focus on what we can’t have, on our limitations, we fail to see opportunities God has placed in front of us.

Sometimes it’s the bad stuff that refines us, makes us stronger, forces us to learn lessons we never would otherwise, and allows God to work things out for the greater good. Difficult circumstances teach us dependence on Him.

Rejoice always. Through every circumstance, God is molding us into the image of Jesus if we let Him.

What are you praising God for today?

Tara Johnsonis a contributor to Wholly Loved Ministries’a speaker, and lover of stories. She travels to churches, ladies retreats and prisons to share how God led her into freedom after spending years living shackled as a people-pleasing preacher's kid. Tara’s debut novel Engraved on the Heart (Tyndale)earned a starred review from Publishers Weekly, as well as numerous other accolades. She has articles published in magazines and has been a featured guest on radio, television and podcasts. Tara is represented by Janet Grant of Books & Such Literary Agency. She, her husband, and children live in Arkansas. Visit her online at: www.TaraJohnsonStories.com.

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