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Serving Christ without Worry for Tomorrow - Wholly Loved - September 7

Serving Christ Without Worry for Tomorrow

By Victoria Mejias

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34

Service has been my way of life for 30-plus years. Growing up, we’d cook two turkeys at Thanksgiving. One to eat as a family and dish up to the homeless. At Christmas, Dad and I dressed up and distributed presents to the poor.

Volunteering has always been the heartbeat of my family, but this has become harder and harder for me over the years.

Trouble swallowing, chronic pain, blurry vision, fatigue, weakness, spasticity, trouble walking, balance issues, depression and to top it off... anxiety. These are among the 10 most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis–the biggest threat to my lifestyle.

Today’s verse instructs us not to “worry about tomorrow,” but that is easier to say than it is to practice. Especially, when wrestling with such an unpredictable, barbaric and degenerative disease.

Ironically, my disability has taught me a lot. I’ve learned to pace myself, to count every blessing, and how to make the most out of every day. And I find that when I do those things, I actually worry less about what is to come.

When I give my all and pour my heart into serving Christ in the here and now, my anxiety decreases and I actually look forward to tomorrow. I’m not foolish enough to believe that tomorrow will be free of hardships.

But I find solace in knowing God is with me. In good times and in bad. He fills in the gaps of my inadequacies. He is pleased knowing that my faith lies in Him. And I will continue to serve Him until I draw my last breath.

I pray that you give God your all–however that may look for you. That you find comfort in knowing you do not have to worry about the future because you have given Him your all today. And He is already in your tomorrow.

Trust Him to be your strength and find peace in His presence.

Victoria Mejias serves on the Wholly Loved Ministry team in numerous capacities, from board member to writer. She’s a graduate of the University of Nebraska – Omaha and holds a Certificate in Urban Ministries from the Dallas Theological Seminary’s Urban Ministry Institute. She is a former Pastor and has spoken at a variety of venues on matters of leadership, diversity, spirituality and faith– locally, nationally and internationally as far out as Damoh, India at the World Leaders Evangelical Conference. Victoria is the recipient of two U.S. Congressional awards for her service, has two children, loves the Lord, reaching the lost. She enjoys travel, arts and culture. To learn more, visit her online at www.victoriaelizabeth.com.

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