Wholly Loved

The Prayer Huddle - Wholly Loved - May 20

The Prayer Huddle
By Darlene Franklin

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”  Matthew 6:6

Imagine your team is headed for the playoffs. The coach singles you out for a one-on-one session in his private office. The room is soundproofed, shutting out all outside distractions. He reveals more about his plans for you as a player. Or maybe he repeats something he’d said earlier, but now you hear him better.

Prayer is meant to be a little like that.

A few years ago, The War Room hit bookstores and movie theatres with a powerful, contemporary story about one woman’s literal prayer closet. But let’s face it, not everyone has that kind of space. Living in a nursing home, I certainly don’t.

Jesus temporarily left His disciples and went to isolated places, a mountain or a garden, to pray. I carve out a niche in time and attitude. I get up early and talk to God first thing.

Although all of creation reveals evidence of God, on this side of heaven He’s unseen. Though He’s always with us, noise and crowds can easily distract us from His presence. He feels nearer and His voice becomes clearer in that quiet place, when we shut the door against distractions and temptations.

The time spent in secret, laying ourselves bare before God and listening to His voice, prepares us to return to the open. God prepares us mentally and emotionally for whatever battle we might face or assignment He gives.

I challenge you to set yourself apart for prayer. Go into the secret place you create. God has much to say to you.

Darlene Franklinis a bestselling author of fiction and nonfiction works who serves Christ by writing for Him from a nursing home. Visit her on Facebook at DarleneFranklinFun and read her bio at the end of the book to learn more.

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