Wholly Loved

The Self-Sufficiency Façade - Wholly Loved - December 12

Remember Who You Came From

By Teri Gasser

“I have also acquired Ruth the Moabite, Mahlon’s widow, as my wife, in order to maintain the name of the dead with his property, so that his name will not disappear from among his family or from his hometown. Today you are witnesses!” Ruth 4:10

Families matter to God. He cares about each member—past and present and weaves our stories into one amazing tale.

My great aunt Lola boasted, “I cut off my pinky toes so my feet would fit into sandals. I like showing of my bright red toes nails and my feet were just too wide.” Granted she paid a surgeon to amputate her toes but they were gone. And Lola wore her opened toes shoes with a Cheshire grin.

Legendary Lola’s example challenges me to pursue my passions with courage. Her legacy lives on as I recite her many escapades to my grandchildren who never got to meet this remarkable woman. Her influence extends beyond her hundred-year lifespan.

God places great value on family heritage. That’s one of many reasons He gave the law of redemption, as referenced in today’s verse. The Old Testament law of redemption required a relative to take a childless widow as his wife in hopes of producing an heir for the deceased’s property. This kept the land in the family and provided security for widows in an era before life insurance.

Boaz, a Hebrew landowner, fulfilled this obligation by taking an ancient Moabite named Ruth as his wife.

Boaz kept the names of his relatives, Mahlon and Elimelech alive and provided for their widows. He even raised a son to inherit their property and perpetuate the clan. The story today’s text comes from spurs me on to learn more about my heritage and keep the past alive for future generations.

How much do you know about you families’ history? Who in your family has encouraged you? How will you keep their stories alive?

Like Ezra, Teri Gasser has a “heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes. . .” (Ezra 7:10, esv). She’s been married over thirty years, has four grown children, and adores her grandchildren. Her passion is to see women transformed by truth. Teri Gasser serves as the Director of Women’s Bible Studies at Grace Baptist Church in Manhattan, Kansas. She’s also a pastor’s wife, Bible study leader, speaker, and writer. She hopes to have her first book published soon. Visit her online at http://www.terigasser.com/.

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