Wholly Loved

Trusting God Enough to Give - Wholly Loved - October 28

Trusting God Enough to Give

By Shellie Arnold

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Cor. 9:8

Our youngest daughter is so sweet, we call her our “dessert.” This child is compassion personified. She would literally give you the shirt off her back, the shoes of her feet if she thought you needed them.

Stephanie’s heart for giving has always been there, even when she was too young to have much more than pennies in a glass jar. When she heard of a special upcoming Sunday at children’s church to collect money for missionaries, she counted her pennies and wasn’t happy. She had very little to give.

My daughter has always been an entrepreneur at heart. She loved drawing and coloring, then giving gifts of her “custom” pictures.   So, she got to work. She created, hung her pictures all over the house and sold them to family. She even took some to church to sell, all proceeds were saved toward the big missionary offering.

In 2 Corinthians 9, the Apostle Paul encourages the Corinthian believers to get ready to give to others in need, just as they’d previously discussed. Then in the above verse, he assures them God will bless them and meet their needs, so they can continue to give.

I admit, I wish I were as brave and carefree about giving, and about working to give, as my daughter. She gave without fear. It never occurred to her to keep any of the money she’d earned for herself, even though her little glass jar was empty after she gave. She knew we would take care of her, even if she had no pennies left.

Today, when you’re asked to give—your time, your talent, your money, your energy—remember God will bless you and meet your needs. You can trust Him to make up the difference, even if you give sacrificially.

Shellie Arnold tells others she’s living proof God can redeem, heal, and restore anything. A home school mom of over twenty years, she knows the unique challenges stay-at-home moms face. As a sexual abuse survivor, she understands the long-term effects trauma can have, even for believers. She truly believes if a couple listens to God, any marriage can thrive. She longs to share every truth God teaches her. Her novels The Spindle Chair, Sticks and Stones, and Abide With Me, depict the “perfect storms” in marriage—what happens when our weaknesses hit head-on, and we’re both left wondering if anything can be salvaged. Visit her at www.shelliearnold.com.

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