Wholly Loved

Waiting For Other’s Salvation - Wholly Loved - May 23

Waiting For Other’s Salvation
 By Christa Cottam

“For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race.” Romans 9:3

Crimes against children, human trafficking, senseless violence, debilitating disease and fractured relationships leave my heart pleading: "God, please rescue us from this broken world!” 

But I also beg God to wait, because there are so many who don’t know Him yet—the stranger at the grocery store, my neighbor...my brother, and I’m left wondering, what can I do? 

The author of today’s verse said his grief for others was so intense, he’d willingly lose his relationship with Christ if it meant they’d come to faith in Him.

Let that sink in. He would hand over his salvation if it meant others could have theirs?! 

Do I live with that same sort of passionate urgency to reach those who don’t know Jesus?

If we knew Jesus was coming today, we'd desperately proclaim the Gospel to as many people as possible so that no one would spend eternity without Him. But, since we don’t know when He’s returning, and others could die at any time, shouldn’t we live with that same desperation every day?

If you’re like me, the answer is “Yes, but ... I don’t know how.” "I don’t know what to say.” "I don’t know the Bible well enough.” 

Even if we can get past those insecurities, we don’t want to be that weird Christian who rides their bike around the neighborhood with a megaphone, shouting “Jesus is coming!” That only pushes people further away.   

The good news is that every Christian is equipped to share the Gospel…we just need to remember two words: Imago Dei.

Our greatest purpose is to represent Jesus as His image-bearers. Embodying Him in all that we do—through our words, actions, attitude, work ethic, and demeanor no matter our job title, economic status, health, or age. When we live for Jesus, others will notice. And when they ask what it is about us that’s so special—we’ve got their attention and can share the Gospel.

No megaphones or shouting, no script, not even a list of Bible verses to rattle off…. we just tell the story of how we met Jesus and how He rescued us. Simple, and beautiful.

Are you eager to reach others who don’t know Jesus? Ask God to ignite your passion, and then wear His love daily for all to see.

Christa Cottam is a spunky women’s ministry and worship leader with a fire in her belly to tell others about Jesus. Find out more by reading her bio at the end of the book.

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Visit WhollyLoved.com for more inspirational messages or to book them for your next women's event

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