Wholly Loved

When Technology Becomes an Idol - Wholly Loved - September 12

When Technology Becomes an Idol

By Sarah Conaway

“You shall have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:3

I hate being interrupted, especially from something I deem important.

“Mom look at this!” My daughter says from across the room. I glance up from my phone and mumble “just a minute”. I return to reading a blog about being intentional through Christ. I only have a few sentences left. “Mom!” she repeats. 

I’m reading a Christian blog so that should be my priority right? Shouldn't God always be my primary focus Or should I watch my daughter try to do the splits for the 15th time today? 

Technology has become an obsession for many. It can be uncomfortable for some to go to the bathroom without a cell phone because the thought of sitting for a mere 90 seconds without scrolling through Instagram or checking text messages could seem like such a waste. I can relate. 

How do I ignore feelings of guilt caused by spending time on my phone or computer when my daughter is around? I justify it by reading Christian blogs or surfing Faith-filled memes. I realize I’m attempting to justify my behavior. The content may be healthy, but the fact that I know I am making excuses is a problem. I’m twisting faith for my convenience. I’m making it mean whatever works for me.  

Christ spoke to my heart recently and revealed that He is not my priority in those moments—technology is. In Exodus 20:3, God tells us were to have no other gods before Him. No other gods like blog posts, inspirational messages, or technology.

What gods are you putting before Jesus? Do you have any that you deem acceptable when in fact they need a second look? Ask God to make your priorities clear. Don’t let things like technology stand in the way of a relationship with Christ or others. 

Sarah Conaway is a two-time stroke survivor who has faced lifelong chronic illness. In spite of her circumstances, she is armed with faith and is excited that Christ is using her to spread His unconditional love. Sarah tri-formed a group of faith-filled stroke survivors called the Stromies who minister to those world-side that are struggling with accepting their new normal. She enjoys volunteering with hospice patients and the children’s ministry at her church. She’s a speaker, blogger, and street team leader with Wholly Loved Ministries and is excited to see what Christ has planned for her future. Visit Sarah online at Stromies.com.

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