Wisdom from the Psalms Daily Bible Devotional

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<< Wisdom from the Psalms

Wisdom from the Psalms 12/31

December 31
Psalms 150:6
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.


God looked down upon His creation and saw that it was good. In time, God's creation looked back and saw that God was good. Together they formed a unity of love and devotion. Through their covenant, all creation was brought into harmony. The Lord loves His children, and many of His children love Him back. Praise the lord with all of your being. With each breath you take, remember that the Lord is God. Nothing you do is done apart from Him. Wherever you go, God is there. He will never leave those who love Him. He gives us new years and new challenges, and he helps us to grow and learn. As we approach the new year, we can enter it confident that God goes forth with us. Praise the Lord, one and all. The Lord has been very good to His children.


Prayer: I thank You for the year just past-the challenges and the joys-and I look forward to the future, asking Your blessing upon it. Be with me, Lord, and with all my loved ones. Keep me in Your care. Shine Your light upon my path, and make me acceptable in Your sight. Amen.

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