Wisdom from the Psalms

Wisdom from the Psalms 2/13

February 13

Psalms 18:20
The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath be recompensed me.

The children knew what to expect from their teacher. She rewarded those who gave their best efforts. It didn't matter so much that they were right all the time. What was important was that they tried to do the best they could. The dullest student was rewarded as often as the brightest, as long as he put forth effort. Year after year, the teacher turned out good students.

Putting forth a great deal of effort is much easier when we can feel we've accomplished something. There is a basic instinct within each of us that likes praise and reward. We need to feel that we are noticed when we do what is good and right. The Lord sees all that we do, and His pleasure is ever with us. His abundant blessings come to all who truly love Him and pursue Him with all their heart, mind, and soul.

Prayer: I will try to do my very best, God. I want to be the person You intend me to be. Assist me as I struggle to find You image within myself and shine forth that image for the whole world to see. Amen.

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