Wisdom from the Psalms 3/19

March 19
Psalms 29:4
The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.
Stacy loved going to the beach. At night she would lie awake, listening to the surf pounding on the rocks. Closing her eyes, she would pretend the sound was God's own voice thundering through the night. Such thoughts helped her feel His presence, close and comforting. A voice with such power and might allowed no room for fear. The owner of a voice like that could do anything. Indeed, Stacy knew that nothing could defeat her God; the God who thundered and roared with the greatest of power and majesty!
Prayer: Lord, You are greater than anything else in creation. In nature You display Your power and might. I stand in awe of all that You are, even though I understand very little. Thank You for Your love and protection. Amen.
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