Wisdom from the Psalms

Wisdom from the Psalms 9/10

September 10

Psalms 113:2
Blessed by the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore.


Jimmy had heard it all before, but this time there was something different. Though he couldn't quite put his finger on it, suddenly the idea of relationship with Jesus Christ made perfect sense. Before, he had missed the logic, somehow. The image of being born again was so appropriate. A part of Jimmy felt like it had never lived. From this day forward, his life was going to be different. He wasn't sure how it would change, he simply knew nothing would ever really be the same again.

At various times in our lives, the reality of Christ will come crashing through the ordinariness of our days. From those times we face life anew; changed at the very core of our being. We move forward in a new, deeper, strengthened relationship with the Lord.

Prayer: From this day forward, Lord, help me to praise You in new ways. Lead me to a deeper relationship with You through Christ Jesus. Shed Your light upon me, that I might know You better. Amen.

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