Wisdom from the Psalms

Wisdom from the Psalms 9/8

September 8

Psalms 112:4
Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.

Jerry and Ed were different as night and day, though they were the best of friends. Jerry loved fun and games, and it was difficult for him to be serious about anything for very long. Ed was studious and hardworking, and nothing swayed him from his course once his mind was made up. The two boys decided they were going to enter a ten-mile run sponsored by their school. Ed practiced every day, exercising and running, and eating foods that would get him in shape. Jerry exercised occasionally, ran a few times, and paid little attention to his diet. When the race came and went, Ed led the pack and Jerry couldn't even finish.

Leading an upright life prepares us for the race that God has waiting for us. Our spiritual fitness puts us in shape to run that race of life. Without a healthy spirit, we cannot hope to finish. Life without God beats us down and defeats us. Life in the Spirit lifts us above any obstacle and empowers us to meet every challenge.


Prayer: Like Paul the Apostle, I want to run the good race and fight the good fight. Make me fit to be a member of Your team, Lord. Inspire me to prepare my spirit to meet all the challenges which might come my way. Amen.

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