Your Daily Bible Verse

Are You Weary in the Center of God's Will? - Your Daily Bible Verse - October 12

BIBLE VERSE OF THE DAY“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:14

Are You Weary in the Center of God's Will?
By Phylicia Masonheimer


Weariness is hard. But it is not bad. We do not need to run from it; in fact, we should not run from it. Weariness is a sign that work has been done.

As I write this, my 3-month-old has been sleeping through the night for about five or six weeks. But she still has that sporadic 2 AM wake up that leaves me blinking and groggy when my toddler wakes at 6 AM. There were other seasons like this one: Seasons of late night studying, of 12-hour work days, of running events until midnight and reporting to work the next day at 7 AM.

Tired is my season. I could wake up angry that my life demands of me physically what it is asking right now, or I can accept this as part of my “living sacrifice” to the Lord (Romans 12:1). If I choose the former, my life will continue in this season but will be made harder by my inability to embrace it. If I choose the latter, I will be weary – but in the center of His will.

Life is a race. Life is a fight. It requires energy and focus; it will exhaust us and beat us up. We will want to give up, to give in, to seek comfort, but in order to accomplish God’s good work we must persevere. We must keep our eyes lifted, lay aside the weight, and press on through the weariness for the prize.

Because the prize is not our own comfort, nor earthly satisfaction, but an upward call to lasting rest.

I want to run my race to the uttermost. I want to use all my strength, not save it for some unknown day. That may mean I end the day tired – but I am spent for His glory. I am weary, but I am in the center of His will.

Adapted from Phylicia Masonheimer’s original article on, “When You’re Weary in the Center of God’s Will.” Used with permission. You can view the full article here.

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