Your Daily Bible Verse

Even if it Takes a Miracle - Your Daily Bible Verse - December 30

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Even if Takes a Miracle
By Meg Bucher

Jesus heard what had happened and sought out the man.”  - John 9:35

“Did the wind do that or did you do that?” I asked my daughter and her friend.

“We did that,” she said, “we’re building a fort,” they proudly motioned to their cardboard masterpiece.

“You know you have a fort that’s already built …the playhouse?” I reminded of the custom built playhouse just a few feet from their “project.”

“I know,” she said, “we wanted to build one ourselves.”

It’s it funny how we aim to rebuild what’s already been built. Even adults take the hard way around just to accomplish something without help. There’s an independence about it. A sense of achievement. But sometimes, forts built out of cardboard boxes don’t stand much of a chance when the afternoon rain rolls in. They flew off to the study pre-built house to escape the collapse of we cardboard.

The sensible solutions we set our minds to pursue can’t trump the power of God’s perfect timing.

Today’s verse happens on the heals of a miraculous healing. A man born blind is healed by Jesus, and it causes a fire-storm debate! This man is questioned, and Jesus is questioned. The man’s parent’s are questioned. Everyone’s questioned!

The Pharisees refuse to rely on the truth that Jesus is giving them, and instead keep circling around to build their own case to make sense of His miracle.

There’s no way to make ‘sense’ out of a miracle, but they try. Oh, do they try. Asking about the mud that Jesus used and wondering about the disqualifications of the day He performed the miracle on. Nothing about what Jesus did lined up with the laws they had built their lives around. Often, nothing about God’s plans for our lives would make sense to us, even if we were given a blueprint.

“I have entered this world to announce a verdict that changes everything.” John 9:39

Amidst all of the confusion, Jesus searched for the man that he healed, to ask him where he stood. He knew better than any Pharisee that he had been blind his entire life, and now could see. Assured that Jesus, the very Son of Man was speaking directly to Him, he believed.

Disbelief in miracles doesn’t diminish or discredit them in the slightest. Hold onto your miracles. Sometimes, they are so personal, no one will believe them. Maybe they aren’t capable. Maybe it was just for you.

Keep praying for miracles, and know that Jesus came to change all of the rules. No one is too lost. All are equally loved. He came to lose not one. Even if if takes a miracle.

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is  happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that an of these little ones should perish.” Matthew 18:10-14 NIV


Praise You for Jesus, and the way He worked miracles on earth. Thank Your the stories of the miracles, preserved in Your Word to teach us and guide us. Forgive our skepticism of other peoples’ miracles, and help us to believe more each day in Your Son. Thank you for the day you left the ninety-nine to come after us. Even though it took a miracle.

In Jesus’ Name, 


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